Money Booth VR - VR target gallery:


The Museum:

This game is a VR target gallery, your goal is wanton destruction and robbery, you must destroy artifacts and break your way through anything that much be hiding that sweet sweet cash. In the museum level you must break through the locks on cabinets, destroy the glass artifact casings, smash and grab the large fossils and hold up the passersby by shooting open the doors. Doing each of these tasks rewards you with money to place in your bag and searching the environment can reward you with bonus’s like raining money, value multipliers, more ammunition and faster ways to gather bills.

Fossil Functions.PNG

What was completed

As this project was a co-op position my team and I had a small amount of working time, Nathan our programmer did a fantastic job in programming new mechanics and ziyad made some fantastic weapons and environment assets. Due to this small time certain functions were not complete, out of the planned mechanics we wanted to implement, only a couple actually made it to fruition, the Cabinets, the fossils, and the artifact cases all made it into the game. However the passer-by mechanic and the Bonus effects never made it past the prototyping phase.


The Final Level Layout

This is how it finally ended up layout wise, a large change from the initial Paper plan but the Boxier Display and cabinet Design gave the player an easier time in location and the 90 degree angles helped mitigate motion sickness in some players.


Changes I would make:

In the final level I felt that I got the feel I wanted, that of a museum conservatory, filled with stacks of paper and a great place to hide objects for the player to discover, but I felt that I could have gone a lot further in vertical spaces, in the sense that I could have stacked more objects to vary the target locations. I could have included taller cabinets, crates that required multiple shots to break, and stacked more objects on top of themselves, that and I wish I placed more stuff on the walls, things like paintings, diagrams, and technical drawings to break up the colour of the walls.

Environment art:

The T-Rex Fossil, you shoot the small loose section to make the head come rolling off, it was a funny visual gag the worked super well

The T-Rex Fossil, you shoot the small loose section to make the head come rolling off, it was a funny visual gag the worked super well

Similar to the T-rex head, the wings of the pterosaur could be shoot off for the same effect, Honestly I felt that I modelled this one better but the actual effect of the wings popping off just didn’t hit as well as the T-rex.

Similar to the T-rex head, the wings of the pterosaur could be shoot off for the same effect, Honestly I felt that I modelled this one better but the actual effect of the wings popping off just didn’t hit as well as the T-rex.